Real-time Operations & Management
Low voltage quality and outage protection with real-time grid visibility.
Due to DER penetration, grid load becomes unpredictable and deviation of peak load values from the average load (both upstream and downstream) may increase significantly.
Adaptix.grid’s Real-time Operations and Management module has been specifically developed to protect the grid customer from poor voltage quality and outage events. The module is designed to provide full grid transparency, by calculating and making visible, in real time, load flow and voltage quality values for the entirety of the assets across the LV and MV.
The computable, fully connected grid model, together with the integration of AMI data, the generation of virtual telemetry data for all assets in the LV and MV and the historical analysis of load and voltage quality through flexible aggregations, make Adaptix.Grid an indispensable asset in the DERMS toolset and the ADMS strategy.
- Transparent grid, ground-truth driven insights and confident decision making towards load transfers and load curtailment/demand response applications.
- Voltage analysis, congestion alerts and event analysis for Operations. Call to Actions (CTAs) for Demand Response (DR) functions in real time.