Grid Planning &
Distribution Design
Design and plan impactful network reinforcement actions for increased performance, resilience and efficiency.
Adaptix.Grid's Planning module is a tool for the design and evaluation of grid reinforcement actions. The module extends the functionality of Adaptix’s Load Flow module, allowing it to run congestion and voltage quality tests for the substitution of a number of grid assets (transformers, fuses, cables, switches), as well as for network rerouting and configuration options such as switch alterations/installations, backbone extensions and customer phase re-assignation.
Last but not least, it allows to run studies for grid expansion, assessing load levels, voltage quality and asset Health Indices under different expansion scenarios. The capacity of Adaptix.Grid to capture the real picture of the grid in terms of network connectivity and electricity flows makes it the absolute choice for grid planners and designers that want to increase their productivity and make confident, impactful decisions based on the minimum of assumptions.
- Avoid assumptions by relying on historical, real-world data generated by Adaptix.Grid to design and implement grid configuration changes.
- Upgrade your distribution design by including load information by device to improve phase placement and enhance system balance as the grid grows.
- Improve the quality and productivity of your workflow through special in-app functions and bridge with planning software tools.

Up to 95% time savings over current study methods for a number of operations: segmentation/load shedding studies, DER integration, voltage quality control.
Increase the quality of produced studies and the overall efficiency of grid design and planning, by minimizing the cost of interventions while maximizing their impact on grid performance.
Achieve better system balance, reliability and performance.